All Eyes

This movie had some completely unexpected twist and turns. I was sure it was going in one direction and then it just kept going in the direction it said it was going. Disappointing but respectable.

The film follows a disgraced podcaster looking for his way back into the game after a listener committed suicide on his show. He goes through a backlog of letters he ignored and finds one from a farmer who says he has a monster living in the woods around his home. The farmer hates our main character but his late wife loved him. He wants to honor her memory by bringing him in and giving him a story. What follows is an enjoyable mix of doomsday prepped meets Final Destination meets monster hunt. There’s a lot of elements in the mix that don’t get muddled. It all somehow works with somewhat likable characters that you’re rooting for.

The effects leave something to be desired, however. I don’t know how I feel about the use of the green screen in this one, to be honest. It was very obvious but slightly charming? I haven’t decided yet. You have to feel, at this point, that even a lower budget movie should have at least ok visual effects.

Overall, this was a charming, low budget horror movie that deserves a watch. Hopefully it did well enough to warrant a sequel that may or may not have been teased at the end.

We give this one 4 All seeing Eyes out of 5.


The Hottest of Minutes.


Evil Dead Rise