Butcher Cabin Bookstore

Butcher Cabin Bookstore is a relatively new store (Just opened in October) in Louisville, KY. It is just down the street from Unorthodox we talked about last travel article, and it was so cute! It was a bookstore that had nothing but horror books. They were sorted into all kinds of different fun categories and was set up like a cozy old living room including an old style thick tv with creepy stuff playing on it setting the tone of the whole room. We picked up cursed objects by JW Ocker and Cryptid Creatures: A field guide by Kelly Milner Halls. They had such a good selection and I know I could have walked out with a lot more books especially since they had so many unique books I hadn’t seen before. They even have some events coming up that I hope I am free to go check out. Check them out in store or they even do online if you’re too far away.


Butcher Cabin Books

990 Barret Avenue

Louisville, Kentucky 40204


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