Dropping the Hammer (The Phantom of The Opera 1962)

We constantly want to watch more Hammer Horror movies but they are almost impossible to find on streaming. Through pure chance we were finally able to watch The Phantom of The Opera over the weekend. Our friend invited us to their cabin for the weekend and the town right next to them has a co-op video rental store. They have an excellent selection of all kinds of films but especially horror. They actually have several Hammer Horror films but we just went with this one due to lack of time to watch much.

The story was your basic, sad Phantom story. The acting really surprised us. All actors and actresses played their respective roles admirably. It was actually a bit more violent than we were expecting. And the mask….wow that is a simple but effective design.

Overall, we loved it. It was still cheesy but in a very good way as you’d expect from that era of filmmaking. Do yourselves a favor and watch it if you get the chance.


Double Picture Show at the Drive-In! (X/Pearl 2022)


Hellraiser (2022)