10 Horror Couples that Should Maybe Break It Off

1.       Bride & Frankenstein’s Monster-While we LOVE them, they do not belong together…She may literally made for him but she’s a strong independent creature that don’t need no man.

2.       Riff Raft and Magenta-the amount of elbow sex and obvious sexual tension between this BROTHER AND SISTER gives us the icks.

3.       Chucky and Tiffany- While their banter is enjoyable to watch, Tiffany is so much more badass when she’s rocking solo.

4.       Sweeney Todd & Ms Lovitts-He’s married to his demons so there’s no room for her.

5.       Phantom & Christine-Stalker much?!?

6.       Sam & Marion (Psycho)-He basically made her feel like she was just his lunchtime fling if only they had enough money to get married… and we all know how that ended.

7.       Gale & Dewey-They seem to bring out ghostface when they meet up. Maybe let that one go.

8.       Us-He didn’t realize his wife was any different…’nuff said.

9.       Ready or Not-Worst. Meeting of the parents. Ever.

10.   Ghostbusters- Threesomes are hard enough without adding in a fouth and ghosts. “Don’t cross the streams”- wink wink. They swear it’s marshmallow!


Renfield the Review.


10 Couples in Horror that Animate Our Heart