Pet Sematary by Stephen King

There’s a family that moves to a new house and a new town before the impending sense of doom sets in. This book masterfully ramps the tension up by blatantly telling you early on the tragedy that’s about to befall this family. The fact that you know what’s going to happen doesn’t make it any less heartbreaking and horrible to go through. If anything, it makes it worse. Mystical things are going on in the plot next to them. I recommend listening to the audiobook on audible since you get to hear it read by Michael C Hall (aka Dexter Morgan). Also there’s an awesome song from The Ramones based off this book “Pet Sematary”- The Ramones.


An Eldery Lady is Up to No Good-Helene Tursten


Quackery: A Brief History of the Worst Ways to Cure Everything by Lydia Kang